Pay it forward!

Do they know it’s Christmas Time!
Okay–so it’s that time of year where we all are so busy, we forget the true spirit and meaning of the season. Let’s try to pay it forward and get the true meaning back. I’d love to hear your comment, so please feel encouraged to respond with your good deed! Let me know–it serves as inspiration!
I am starting a “Pay it forward Challange”. I’m a firm believer of good karma in which no small deed goes unoticed! I challenge you to do one good deed everyday! Anything that is not a selfish act, but instead a small deed of kindness towards another human being. Have you done that lately? Maybe you gave some change to a homeless man on your way home from work, maybe you made a donation to your local charity, or maybe you paid the parking ticket for the car in back of you at a parking garage! Or how about, smiling to someone that you don’t know and just saying, “how’s your day today?” These are the simple things in life that get rewarded!!
Success is not measured by how much money or power you have, instead from the acts of human kindness that give us peace.
Let’s be successful at human kidness! PAY IT FORWARD–YOU WILL GET IT BACK AND IT FEELS GREAT!

On December 5th The "Buzz" of Secret Garden Photography by prada said:

I will start–I helped an elderly woman get up from her fall as I was driving home yesterday. She said may “God Bless You, dear!” Now, your turn? Let me know how you paid it forward.

On December 6th Liza said:

This was awhile back. I saw a disabled veteran and when I mean disabled he had both legs amputated. We made eye contact and then I drove off, continuing to go about my day of shopping.

Something made me turn around. I made a u-turn, parked the car, and gave him the two twenties that I had in my wallet. He was so grateful. I’ll never forget him!

And just today the kids and I donated some books to All children’s Hospital for hospitalized kids over the holidays. Cory got to sign his name on the bookplates so that the child knows who it came from. It hit home with him. Kids are never to young to learn the meaning of paying it forward!

God Bless…Merry Christmas!

On December 7th Yvonne said:

We went to church a few weeks ago and after church there was a table with what they call Christmas Angel tags. This is where the church gathers info from families that are alot less fortunate and they make tags with kids names and age and info like shoe size, sock size, etc. I thought, what a nice idea and the kids helped me pick a name and we bought shoes, socks, underwear and a toy for that special child. His name is Ignacio and I hope he will be happy with everything we bought him and may God Bless him and his family. We are truely blessed with so many things and especially with good health and healthy children. This is definitely a time to give back to others what the Lord has given us.Jim’s family in Montana also does something very special. instead of exchanging gifts for adults we each take money and donate it to a charity or some kind of foundation. Last year we chose the Multiple Mayeloma Foundation because my father was diagnosed last Decemder with Multiple Mayeloma and for those who don’t know what that is, it is cancer of the Plasma Cells.This year we might do St. Judes Childrens Hospital or we might just do Multiple mayeloma again.We usually take a vote and whoever has the most votes wins the donation for the organization.It really makes you feel good when you help others and do a good deed. It is also important to teach our children how important it is to give and help other.Sometimes we give our kids too much and they lose the concept of how lucky they really are. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and may the New Year be filled with lots of Blessings, good health, happiness and peace!!!

Special Occasion Cards

Custom designs available for all occasions! Cards are not just for holidays anymore. Celebrate with personal style for any celebration…Sweet 15’s, Birthdays, Religious events and anniversaries! The card below was designed as a Sweet 15’s Birthday Announcement.

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More Winter Fun!


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On December 3rd Liza said:

Hey girl…love the new song! You’re inspiring me to add more pics from Thanksgiving weekend. As it is I only posted one. Was not in the mood. Christmas is inspiring me now. toodles…

A day in the park!

A chilly day in the park translates into climing trees to keep warm! Here are a few from today!
Sip your hot chocolate tonight…brrrrr!




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From My Family to Yours!

On a personal note–just wanted to take the time to wish all the people in my life a very happy and blessed holiday season! It has been a great year full of blessings, business, blogs and babies!!! I am very fortunate to have the family that I have, the friends that I have and the clients that I have!! It has been an amazing journey. I am also most grateful for the NEW baby boy I am anxiously expecting in April! Thank you all for the many good wishes!
Here’s to another happy and healthy new year–cheers!!


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On December 6th O. Joy said:

Becky!!! yay!!! A little one on the way!!

"thinking outside the studio"
Named one of the TOP 5 photographers in Palm Beach County; WPBF A-list, 2007-2009.
Becky Prada's artistic repertoire includes photographing US President, Barack Obama, local celebrities, News & TV personalities and up and coming recording artists.
Becky is an award winning lifestyle photographer specializing in non-traditional childhood photography and destination weddings.
Palm Beach photographer, Becky Prada, serves clientele throughout the County including Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Boca.
Palm Beach Photographer, West Palm Beach photographer, Premier Palm Beach photographer

All Rights Reserved (c) 2014 Secret Garden Photography | blog by kimtown