spring love- |palm beach wedding photographer

this was a special wedding for me to shoot. i’ve know the bride since i was 5 years old! love when things come full circle. who would of thought that while playing in kindergarten a sneak peek into the future would have me photographing your wedding day! i love shooting love, but i absolutley feel passionate about shooting love for people i know and share a friendship with. it’s so nice to be able to reconnect with old friends through the art of photography.
enjoy your sneak peek! and enjoy the honeymoon!
lots of hugs! -me =)

On April 15th issy said:

love, love, love! can’t wait to see more! 🙂

communion pictures. | palm beach communion photographer

here is a glimplse of some recent communion shots. love this time of year!

down by the river | palm beach teen photographer

not your typical teen photo shoot and loved it!
enjoy a glimpse of this beautiful young lady celebrating her sweet 15 birthday up a creek and without a paddle! hahaha! =)

my babes.

love finding new locations to shoot. my kids are always my ginuea pigs. here are elena, maia and baby NJ. <3 enjoy a glimpse of my the three little loves of my life!

new little angel. | palm beach baby photographer

check out this new swet pea. just adorable. she was a great baby! actually, i’m pretty blessed. most of the babies i photograph are awesome to deal with. we stuffed her in a pea pod, wrapped her like a present, made her wear angel wings and even hung her out to dry! ta-da!!!! this is what we ended up with.
thanks mom for being a great sport! god bless your new little family.
enjoy the sneak peek!

"thinking outside the studio"
Named one of the TOP 5 photographers in Palm Beach County; WPBF A-list, 2007-2009.
Becky Prada's artistic repertoire includes photographing US President, Barack Obama, local celebrities, News & TV personalities and up and coming recording artists.
Becky is an award winning lifestyle photographer specializing in non-traditional childhood photography and destination weddings.
Palm Beach photographer, Becky Prada, serves clientele throughout the County including Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Boca.
Palm Beach Photographer, West Palm Beach photographer, Premier Palm Beach photographer

All Rights Reserved (c) 2014 Secret Garden Photography | blog by kimtown