baby coming soon |palm beach maternity photographer

today was a good day–this beautiful family is expecting one more little princess, coming soon!
there was gorgeous weather, awesome light and just great moments that speak “awww” to me.

look at her face–“priceless”

love this mommy and me pic.

and last, but not least–this is just the yummiest light ever! only mother nature can produce such great lighting for me! forget the studio people–this is it, right here!

ah-do-ra-ble! | palm beach baby photographer

don’t you just want to eat him up? this cutie was a gem to work with. he was great and even put up with me sticking him in a drawer! i mean– any 3 month old baby that puts up with chillin in a drawer, has to be good, right? his big brothers were also eager to pose with him and show that brotherly bond! enjoy your sneak peek, mommy! xo

buh-bye for a little while..

taking a little summer break. secret garden photography will be closed until august 3rd. emails and calls will be returned at that time.
from mountains… to rivers… to beach…from my little corner of the world to your corner…hope you are having a SUPER SUMMER with those you love. =)

photography workshops @ the beach | photography workshops palm beach

check out my e-learning @ photography workshops at the beach! many of you hava a fancy D-slr camera and now what? how about learing how to use it! you spent the money on the camera–now learn how to shoot with it! learning outline and mentoring included. contact me for details!
click here for my workshop site


timing is everything and NOW is the time! i’ve lost 50 lbs!! so, what does this mean for you? this means i’m in a good mood and you get 50% off your photo sessions booked this week! Yup! HALF OFF SESSIONS BOOKED THIS WEEK ONLY. limited reservations available. send email to TODAY! sessions don’t have to happen this week, they just need to be reserved this week!!! now you can get those much awaited family pics, baby photos or just pics of you! hurry, clock is tickin! contact me for details!

"thinking outside the studio"
Named one of the TOP 5 photographers in Palm Beach County; WPBF A-list, 2007-2009.
Becky Prada's artistic repertoire includes photographing US President, Barack Obama, local celebrities, News & TV personalities and up and coming recording artists.
Becky is an award winning lifestyle photographer specializing in non-traditional childhood photography and destination weddings.
Palm Beach photographer, Becky Prada, serves clientele throughout the County including Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Boca.
Palm Beach Photographer, West Palm Beach photographer, Premier Palm Beach photographer

All Rights Reserved (c) 2014 Secret Garden Photography | blog by kimtown