beach time
in south florida, the beach is a given, but this pier is what makes this beach unique! love the way the eye follows you through the waves under the rusty architecture! it adds a sense of shabby art in photography…something i appreciate!
and the family is great and loving. the brother and sister have an adorable bond that translates through pictures very easily! glad i had a chance to capture that! all in all, a very natural family in nature’s enviorment! loved it!! thanks for lettiong me capture you as you are! <3
baby in a bowl-
oh mcdonald had a farm…..
love this idea. it was perfect. perfect sunlight. perfect location. and a picture perfect family! the horses were amazing and these picture speak fall family to me! they are great, natural and full of love….the best emotion to feel in photos!
even though terrible threes sometimes kicked in…it was a rockin session! enjoy your sneak peak!