Baby Prada

Here are a few from my new baby Prada. Taken by yours truley. Enjoy a glimplse at my new addition!




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New blessing!!

We’ve had a pretty good year and have been eternally blessed with a beautiful healthy family! Meet our newest addition–Fernando Jude! He was born April 15th, weighing 8lbs and measuring 20 in. Thanks for all your well wishes.
On a work note–I am currently booking summer sessions. Please call or email for availability!




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Palm Beach LifeStyle!

So excited that a current fashion publication liked these images representing life in Palm Beach! When approached about the photos–the editor said “life is natural and that is what was captured.” I will post a link once it gets published!!
This precious family had their shoot at famous Worth Ave. So, next time don’t constrict yourself to posed and stiff shots. Think outside the box and make it a lifestyle session. Whether in Palm Beach or out on a farm..capture you being you and living your lifestyle! I’ve noticed when familes are “placed” not posed–you get photos with emotion “not” forced smiles. There is a “big” difference! Remember to enjoy your life and your lifestyle. I’ll be here to capture it when you are ready;-))




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now booking ((mini-sessions))

Get the most out of your mini-sessions and take advantage of this once a year photo op! Promotion for June-July dates only!
Mini-sessions include a 20-minute on-location photo session for 1-2 children. Session includes 1- 8×10 portrait and a computer friendly cd with 10-15 images to upload to facebook, blogs and any use in the on-line world! Note-these images are in low resolution and not suitable for re-print. All images are protected and copyrighted. Offer not valid with other promotions or suitable for newborn sessions. Please call for reservations. Waiting list runs into July.
CAll 561-584-2550 or email me at

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{{creative photography workshops}}

As I approach my due date in 2 weeks, I have been wrapping up my sessions, photography workshops and online mentoring. Check out
(workshop blog) for details and registration on WS’s. I will resume BOTH WS’s and sessions in June! Waiting list for June has already started as I am taking limited sessions for summer. Call me for reservations at 561-584-2550 or send me a note to
Thanks for a creative and busy Spring!!!





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"thinking outside the studio"
Named one of the TOP 5 photographers in Palm Beach County; WPBF A-list, 2007-2009.
Becky Prada's artistic repertoire includes photographing US President, Barack Obama, local celebrities, News & TV personalities and up and coming recording artists.
Becky is an award winning lifestyle photographer specializing in non-traditional childhood photography and destination weddings.
Palm Beach photographer, Becky Prada, serves clientele throughout the County including Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Wellington and Boca.
Palm Beach Photographer, West Palm Beach photographer, Premier Palm Beach photographer

All Rights Reserved (c) 2014 Secret Garden Photography | blog by kimtown